2022 Legislative Accomplishments
Prime Sponsor of HM 63 Recognizing Veteran Suicide: Urges the U.S. Congress to recognize the crisis of suicide among veterans and to fully fund prevention efforts by U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Prime Sponsor of HB 195 Juvenile Diversion Program Expunction: Requires FDLE to expunge the nonjudicial arrest record of certain minors who successfully complete a court sponsored diversion program for specified offenses. Authorizes minors who successfully complete a diversion program for any offense, rather than only for first-time misdemeanor offenses, to lawfully deny or fail to acknowledge certain information. Not applicable to “forceable felonies.”
Prime Sponsor of HB 197 Pub. Rec./Nonjudicial Arrest Record of a Minor: Provides exemption from public records requirements for nonjudicial record of arrest of minor who has successfully completed diversion program.
Co-Prime Sponsor of HB 559 Occupational Licensure of Military Spouses: Requires DBPR or applicable board to expedite professional license applications submitted by spouses of active-duty members of Armed Forces. Requires DBPR to issue temporary professional licenses under certain circumstances. Requires the Department of Health or applicable board to issue professional license to spouses of active-duty members of Armed Forces if certain requirements are met.
Co-Prime Sponsor of HB 1315 Veteran Suicide Prevention Training: Requires the Florida Department of Veterans Affairs to establish Veteran Suicide Prevention Training Pilot Program. An appropriation of $500,000 is provided to develop curriculum, in-person training and certifying participants.
Prime Sponsor of HB 2033 Seminole State College – Building “D” Renovation: Provides an appropriation of $5.8M for the Seminole State College for deferred maintenance.
Prime Sponsor of HB 2099 Operation G.R.O.W: Provides an appropriation of $348K for the Operation G.R.O.W. to assist Seminole County adults with disabilities workforce training.
Prime Sponsor of HB 2101 Community, Cops, Courts & State Attorney Violent Crime Intervention: Provides an appropriation of $492K for the Community, Cops, Courts & State Attorney Violent Crime Intervention.
Prime Sponsor of HB 2211 Veterans Entrepreneurship Initiative: Provides an appropriation $150K for the Veterans Entrepreneurship Initiative – Seminole County Expansion.
Prime Sponsor of HB 2231 Pathways to Home Supportive Housing: Provides an appropriation of $488K for the Pathways to Home Supportive Housing.
Prime Sponsor of HB 2239 UCF-PTSD Clinic for Florida Veterans and First Responders: Provides an appropriation of $515K for the UCF-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Clinic for Florida Veterans and First Responders.
Prime Sponsor of HB 2293 Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando: Provides an appropriation of $150K for the Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando – Public Safety/Emergency Responder Support.
Prime Sponsor of HB 2421 Oviedo Boulevard Trail Connector: Provides the City of Oviedo an appropriation of $300K for the Oviedo Boulevard Trail Connector.
Prime Sponsor of HB 2743 Seminole County Juvenile Drug Court: Provides an appropriation of $260K for the Seminole County Juvenile Drug Court.
Prime Sponsor of HB 2745 Best Buddies Mentoring and Student Assistance Initiatives: Provides an appropriation of $350K for the Best Buddies Mentoring and Student Assistance Initiatives.
Prime Sponsor of HB 2921 Grace Medical Home: Provides an appropriation of $250K for the Grace Medical Home – Mobile Medical Van.
Prime Sponsor of HB 3533 Sanford Nutrient Reduction at Lake Jessup and Lake Monroe: Provides the City of Sanford an appropriation of $750K for nutrient reduction at Lake Jesup and Lake Monroe.
Prime Sponsor of HB 4277 Seminole County Wekiva Springs Road Intersection Improvements: Provides Seminole County an appropriation of $500K for the Seminole County Wekiva Springs Road Intersection Improvements.
Prime Sponsor of HB 4279 Seminole County E.E. Williamson Road Trail Connect Project: Provides Seminole County an appropriation of $1M for the Seminole County E.E. Williamson Road Trail Connect Project.
HB 7071 Tax Relief: Florida’s tax cut package resulting in cuts over $1.2 Billion in state and local taxes and is the biggest middle-class tax cut in Florida history.
HB 5: Reducing Fetal & Infant Mortality: 15-week abortion restriction. Reinforces Florida’s unwavering commitment to safeguard all life by protecting the lives of unborn children. Also invests in evidence-based initiatives working to reduce fetal and infant mortality rates and expands on the success of local health care community efforts to reduce infant mortality.
HB 7065 Child Welfare: Florida is doing more to encourage responsible fatherhood. In the U.S. one if four children grow up in a household without a biological, step or adoptive father. David supported legislation that establishes fatherhood programs, encourages father involvement, alleviates the crises of at-risk boys by investing in initiatives and organizations that serve them and supports foster children – especially those who age out of care – by increasing financial support.
HB 7061/SB 524 Elections Integrity: Since the 2000 election, the Florida Legislature has continuously worked to improve the reliability and security of elections. David supported SB 524 that takes additional steps to strengthen election security, improve election administration, and ensure vote-by-mail (VBM) ballot integrity.
HB 1557 Parental Rights in Education: Reinforces the rights of parents to make education and healthcare decisions regarding their children. Makes it clear that classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity is not appropriate in kindergarten through third grade and specifies that instruction in other grades must be age and developmentally appropriate and consistent with state standards.
HJR 1 Homestead Exemptions: Critical public employees such as law enforcement officers, Florida National Guard, K-12 classroom teachers, firefighters, active-duty military, correctional officers, child welfare services professionals, EMTs and paramedics receive an additional $50K homestead property tax exemption. Placed on the November 2022 ballot for voter approval.